Monday, June 22, 2015

Physician's Formula Eye Boost Instant Lash Extension Kit

I know it's been a few weeks since I've posted anything, so I spent a large portion of my Saturday taking photos, editing and stamping them for upcoming posts. Thank goodness the tedious part is over with! 

I'm sure by now you know what this review is for. And I wish I could do a comparison post between the Eye Boost Instant Lash Extension Kit and the Younique Fiber Lashes, but I've never purchased the Younique mascara. I just didn't care for the way it looked on others' lashes. The fibers always seemed to look clumped in the photos I saw, so I decided to try this brand for a third of the cost. 

I purchased mine for around $12.97 at my local Walmart, but I feel sure that you can order them online as well as purchase them at any drugstore/Walmart/Target in your area. 

Much like the Younique Fiber Lash set, this set comes with a standard mascara and a separate tube containing the fibers that boast "outrageous results." I didn't do much in the form of review hunting before this purchase, so I wasn't sure what to expect.

What truly caught my eye at first glance with this set was the sleek packaging. The red and silver with minimal writing or design just comes off really well visually.

The mascara, I found, was nothing special. It has a slim wand, which I usually like for lengthening purposes. This mascara alone, however, didn't seem to give me any major results. My favorite mascaras: The Balm's What's Your Type? Bodybuilder Mascara and Too Faced LashGASM Mascara, are both slim applicator wands that always define the very ends of my lashes when I need them to. But I also feel that any wand, slim or big and fat, can lengthen to some extent when starting off with fresh/clean lashes for application.

The fiber wand looks very similar to the mascara wand, if only a bit shorter and stubbier. The fiber tube is also smaller, but you can fit thousands of the tiny fibers in the smaller tube, so I'd say those will outlast the mascara. 
After having helped a client apply the Younique lashes in the past, I already knew what those fibers were like, so seeing these didn't shock me. The fibers are basically tiny little black "fibers" that look more or less like bits off fuzz off your grandmother's favorite Angora sweater. At least, that's my opinion. 

You are supposed to be able to apply the mascara, then fiber, then mascara a few different times to layer up the fibers, thus lengthening the lashes. I layered mine up two times, but didn't feel comfortable doing more layers than that, for fear that I'd get the dreaded clumpy spider-eyed look. 

Below, you can see my results. There is a significant difference between my natural lashes with normal mascara application versus the appearance of my lashes with this booster kit. While I didn't share a photo of my eyes with regular mascara, you can so obviously see how long my lashes appear. Almost as if I had gone and gotten lash extensions at a salon. 

Now, you must be thinking that this is too good to be true, right? Something that adds this dramatic of a change has to have a catch.. 

And you'd be right! 

Although this extension kit did give me "outrageous results" and definite extension, the fibers are EXTREMELY messy. I don't mean messy, like they look nice and messy on the wand, but messy because they get all over your face! 

I'm not sure if they got on my face during application, which could have been natural fallout, or if the fibers fell out gradually during wear.  But I first noticed them all over me about half an hour after application. 

Maybe when you try sealing the fibers with the mascara some knock off. And maybe you can minimize this, by somehow cleaning some of the excess fibers off of the wand before using them on your eyelashes. I'm just not sure. 

I know you can't see them in this photo, but the fibers were so messy that they were even down on my nose, under my eyes and on my cheeks. I was in the car asking my sister to knock the tiny fuzzy hairs off of my face when I realized how bad they were in the photo. 

Personally, I don't think I'd buy this product again. Yes, if the photo is edited the lashes look awesome. But if you're planning on wearing this product out in very vibrant and bright lighting, then it's probably not the best idea. I recommend reserving this lash extension kit for a candlelight dinner, going to the movies, or a dimly lit, hole in the wall coffee shop you like to study at because you know you won't be interrupted.  

I'm not sure if the shedding is a universal thing with all of the fiber kits. I know Too Faced makes one as well now. I would assume that the fibers from any of the kits would make a mess unless you figured out a hack to keep them from falling onto your face. My lashes held up pretty well, but this sort of kit might not also be a good idea for anyone who likes to rub or mess with their eyes on a frequent basis. I'm sure if you got the fibers in your eyes it could also cause irritation. 

I'm giving the product a C. While it gave me visually pleasant results for photographs, it's still not fool proof. I'll probably wear these on and off to get my money's worth, but I'm not putting them down as my favorite! 

I'd like to know everyone's experiences with these types of extension kits. Please leave me comments and suggestions on how I can apply this product more successfully. what your thoughts are, and if you've had a better experience than me with one of these types of products. 


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